
Books can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the blue title.

We are just getting started with our new website. Many more books are planned to be added so please check back often.


Holy Jokes
Appropriate Humor for Any Occasion

Compiled by Harry C. Griffith

This is a compilation of jokes and funny stories collected over many years. They were chosen for use by pastors in sermons, for speakers and teachers who like to warm up their audience with a little humor, and for anyone who likes to hear or tell what we tend to call “clean” jokes.

Yes, but How?
Practical, Biblical Ways to Deal with Life’s Issues

by Harry C. Griffith

We hear what God is saying to us through the verse or passage of Scripture, buthow are we to do what he expects of us? The purpose of this book is to answer those “Yes, but how?” questions. In it, we can look for the issues of life we are facing and find godly (because based on Scripture) suggestions for dealing with them.

The Gospel According to Need
Reaching the World for Christ at Points of Need
by The Amazing Grays

Please join us on this voyage of discovery that you, as a disciple of Christ, may be better prepared to lead others to Christ according to their need.

100 Ways to be the Light of Christ
by Harry C. Griffith

Is the light of Christ shining, and shining brightly, in us today? If not, what are we hiding? Certainly we shouldn’t be hiding our lights. We are to be light-bearers for Christ. The world needs to see Jesus!

The Disciple’s Dozen

The Twelve Most Import Things Every Christian Needs to Know, Understand and Live.

The Disciple’s Dozen was prepared by an interdenominational group of Christian clergy and laypeople. Although copyrighted, this material may be reproduced and reprinted so long as its integrity is preserved.

Bible 101

Prepared by the staff of BRF, this introductory guide will give the reader a better understanding of how the Bible came to be and in-sights into the leading characters. This study guide is designed as a 6-week group study course for the first-time Bible reader or anyone who wants a brief refresher.

Discovering Our Ministry
by Harry C. Griffith

All Christian people are called by God to participate in the ministry of Christ. This workbook is designed to help people understand the many facets of lay ministry, to discover the gifts God has given them for ministry, and to identify the special areas of ministry to which God calls them.

Finding Hope in a Chaotic World
by William C. Frey

Hope depends less on wishful thinking and more on the nature and promises of God and God’s faithfulness. Explore the many ways in which a solid trust in God’s power and His dreams for your life can create and magnify a fresh hope in your heart.

Holy Living Today
by Donald M. Hultstrand

Jeremy Taylor’s Holy Living, written in 1650, is one of those devotional classics that transcends the passage of time and changes in culture. As a bishop on sabbatical at Canterbury, England, Donald Hultstrand had the opportunity to re-read Holy Living in that ancient setting and realized that the same striving for wholeness (holiness) of life is drastically needed in this broken world.

Spiritual Healing
by Maurice M. Benitez

The late Bishop Benitez shares how he discovered the power of healing prayer at work in the world today. Be encouraged to make it a part of your own life.

Loving to Tell the Story
by Harry C. Griffith

If Jesus is more important to us than anyone or anything, we should enjoy talking about him and what he means in our lives. We should love to tell that story. The purpose of this little book is to enable us to tell that story boldly and effectively.

The fact is that many of us are intimidated by the thought of talking about our faith with others, whether with family or casual acquaintances. Loving to Tell the Story faces that issue constructively by providing a variety of ways to overcome that obstacle with rewarding results.

The Little Book on Life in the Spirit
by Donald M. Hultstrand
with Harry C. Griffith

How is it possible that a small group of fishermen and their friends turned the world over in the name of Christ in the first century? It is because they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Don Hultstrand and Harry Griffith have collaborated on this little book to explain how this same power is available today and how every great movement in Christianity is a movement of the Holy Spirit. He moves powerfully in individuals, small groups and whole continents.

Passing the Flame
by Harry C. Griffith

We Christians have a “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) to our faith.  It is tremendously encouraging to know that, down through the centuries, faith in Christ has burned brightly in the lives of millions of people the world over, some who have been especially exemplary.  These are the “flame bearers” of Christ’s love from Jesus himself to us.  The record of their lives reflects the passing of the flame we will be following over the 366 pages of this book.

This is not a book for church historians by a church historian.  It is a book for every Christian written by one who simply compiled the stories from various reliable sources.  It begins with Jesus and progresses down through the years to our present day.  It demonstrates how the flame of Christ’s love has passed from one person to another, and is burning more brightly today than at any time in the last 2,000 years.

You will know the names of many of the people you read about in this book, but many you will not.  Each person is a witness to us of Christ’s love.  Some were martyred for their faith.  Others have given us books, poems or hymns.  Still others have simply left us a legacy of faith by their example of dedication and service.

Revelations of Effective Prayer
by Harry C. Griffith
and Donald M. Hultstrand

The authors of this COMPASSbook had the privilege, over a period of some 15 years, of being successors to Helen Shoemaker’s prayer ministry, the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.  During that time we too made some discoveries and were able to share them with others.  Subsequently, we have made other discoveries that seem worth sharing.  We have resisted the temptation to call this “Secrets of Effective Prayer” and have settled for the word “Revelations.”  By the grace of God, some things have been revealed to us that we hope will be helpful to you.

Prayer: Responding to God - Book 1
by Robert B. and Marjorie W. Hall

Bob and Marjorie Hall originally wrote Prayer: Responding to God some years ago. Despite its timeless message, the Bible Reading Fellowship wanted it updated and re-formatted into two COMPASSbooks, which required quite a bit of work on the Halls’ part. Loving Christians that they are, they graciously reworked the material into its present form.

Book 1 deals with what prayer is; getting quiet before God; ways of speaking to God; adoration, praise, and thanksgiving; confession; petition; and meditation, contemplation, and prayer language.

Prayer: Responding to God - Book 2
by Robert B. and Marjorie W. Hall

Bob and Marjorie Hall originally wrote Prayer: Responding to God some years ago. Despite its timeless message, the Bible Reading Fellowship wanted it updated and re-formatted into two COMPASSbooks, which required quite a bit of work on the Halls’ part. Loving Christians that they are, they graciously reworked the material into its present form.

Book 2 deals with ways of hearing God speak; the obedient pray-er; hindrances to prayer; prayer groups; and what we may expect of prayer.

God’s Healing Grace
by Alfred L. Salt

There is much interest in the healing ministry in the Church today. This was not so until recent years (with a few notable exceptions). Clergy and laity who became involved were looked upon with suspicion. There are still many in the Church who are unsettled by this ministry, but, many others, prodded by the Holy Spirit, have been touched by it, responding in faith to Jesus’ command to heal the sick.

This book will answer three questions: Does God really heal today? If God does heal today, are my problems worth taking to Him? If my problems are worth taking to God, how do I go about doing it?